Influencer marketing: Best ways to develop your strategy

Influencer marketing: Best ways to develop your strategy
July 19, 2021

Influencer marketing: Best ways to develop your strategy

Until recently, brands were promoted exclusively by brand ambassadors. We had so many opportunities to see famous actors, singers, athletes in TV commercials, on billboards.

The situation has changed a lot, so now the position has been given to social media marketing and influencer marketing. Lesser-known individuals have taken on the role of brand ambassadors. These people have managed to gather around them a massive number of followers who trust them unconditionally. So far, we have heard about them countless times – they are influencers.

How will influencer help your business?

A successful influencer marketing strategy will help you build authority, increase brand exposure, and connect with a new audience. 

Influencers should be a spokesperson for your business and a fantastic way to improve brand awareness and reach a target audience.

What makes influencer marketing so popular?

According to statistics, only 1% of millennials trust advertisements, but 33% trust blog reviews for making purchases.

After seeing influencer using a product or a service, 40% were likely to try it and buy it too. Around 70% of influencers believe that an authentic and honest voice is keeping their audience engaged.

How to Build an Influencer Marketing Strategy

1. Define your goals

2. Choose a Type of Influencer Marketing Campaign

3. Identify and Define Your Audience

4. Find the right influencer

Define Your Goals

At the very beginning, you need to set your goals for what you would like to accomplish with your influencer marketing campaign.

Would you like more people to recognize and like your brand? Would you like to build your brand identity and get people to see your brand values? What about building an audience, getting more subscribers and followers? 

There are so many goals, but you have to choose the most important one for your business.

Choose a Type of Influencer Marketing Campaign

After defining your goals, it’s time to think about the influencer marketing campaign to help you with your mission.

Consider some of these influencer marketing strategies:

  • Give your free products in exchange for a mention or a review.
  • Guest Posting: Creating and contributing content for an influencer’s blog.
  • Paying for your brand to show up on an influencer’s social channels. 
  • Run a contest and ask an influencer to promote your giveaway event with their followers.
  • Giving an influencer a discount code for your service or product so that they can offer it to their audience.

Define your ideal buyer persona

Although you have defined your goals and the type of influencer marketing strategy, you are still not ready to start looking for influencers. It would help if you created an ideal buying persona with all demographics, interests, and behavioral traits.

Find the Right Influencers

You have followed up on all previous steps, and now you are ready to go and look for your influencer.

As you consider your options, explore different types of influencers:

  • Social Media Stars
  • Bloggers
  • Celebrities
  • Industry Experts
  • Noncompeting Brands

Note: It is better to work with an influencer with a smaller audience that ideally matches your market than working with a huge audience. Don’t qualify influencers based on the size of their audience. Pay closer attention to whether they have the right audience, the one you want to reach.

 Mila Z

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