How to optimize landing pages for SEO

How to optimize landing pages for SEO
December 19, 2021

How to optimize landing pages for SEO

You have probably already heard of SEO for websites, but did you know that you can optimize it when creating a landing page as well?

People optimize their websites to increase organic search traffic, one of the best and cheapest ways to attract the target audience. You can optimize your landing page too.

When someone uses Google to ask a particular question, you want to be there with the correct answer.

If your landing page solves their problem, they will be glad to become your subscribers or customers.

We will explain some of the best SEO practices for optimizing landing pages that are quick to implement and significantly impact your organic traffic.

Five steps to creating an SEO-friendly landing page

The five crucial steps to optimizing your landing page are:

  • Keyword analysis
  • Landing page optimization
  • Link building 
  • Page speed
  • Mobile-friendliness

Keyword analysis for landing pages

The first step of search engine optimization is keyword analysis. You start keyword analysis by researching your industry and competitors, then prospects, and finally existing customers.

The purpose of keyword analysis is to acknowledge the behavior of potential visitors and the possible volume of traffic.

First, create a list that will contain keywords people are typing when searching for your product or service.

The second thing is to group the keywords by website categories if it has few pages.

The third thing to do is to analyze how competitors rank for every keyword vs. how your landing pages perform.

Landing page optimization

When you realize how prospects search for your product, the next logical step is to incorporate these keywords into your landing page.

You should include the main keywords in: 

  • Headings
  • Body text 
  • Anchor links
  • Image alt text
  • Meta description

This is much easier to do with a help landing page builder.

Link building

Backlinks are links that lead to your page from other websites. Backlinks are like votes for a website – the more relevant and high-quality websites link to your landing page, the better results.

There are many ways, but a combination of amazing content and targeted outreach is a proven method of building links.

There is a rule that quality is much more important than quantity. One link from the relevant website has way more weight than several links from low-quality websites.

Page speed 

Page speed is one of the fundamental SEO ranking factors Google has confirmed.

Did you know that almost 50% of people expect a page to load in less than two seconds, and 40% will leave it after three seconds? Try to speed up page load time by using smaller image files that will not compromise quality, or you can shut off all extensions or plugins your page isn’t using.


Make sure your landing page is accessible to different versions of smartphones and tablets. Check different resolutions and various devices. A page visitor should easily navigate through it, read text and call to action, clicking on links and menu items. 

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