7 steps to create a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy

7 steps to create a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy
July 13, 2021

7 steps to create a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy

LinkedIn has attracted over 600 million users worldwide since it was launched.

It is not just a platform connecting job seekers with employers anymore. LinkedIn has transformed into a valuable marketing tool. Use it in the right way, and you will be able to build your brand awareness, create professional relationships in the long term and generate more leads.

Senior-lever influencers, great leaders, and decision-makers – you can find them all sharing their thoughts, advice, and experiences on LinkedIn. If you are planning to grab the attention of top-level executives, work on your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

Company page that stands out

Before you make any marketing efforts about your LinkedIn page, you need a profile that will stand out among others.

Your profile has to provide valuable information about the company, services, products, employees. 

Adding details like the company logo, URL of your website is very important as they build credibility. Don’t forget about the cover image representing your brand; use the description section to say more about the company’s vision and goals.

Take a look at your competition

It is pretty transparent on LinkedIn, so you can easily find out companies similar to yours. Check their number of followers, the content they are posting, engagement with connections. Integrate tactics that work well for them on your page.

Content matters

How to maximize engagement with your audience on your LinkedIn? 

One of the best ways is to use images and videos. 

Posts with images have a two times higher comment rate, and videos are even better. People are five times more likely to start a conversation when seeing video content. You can also upload presentations and PDFs and make content more attractive.

 Do you know your marketing goals?

  • Think of the goals you want to target:
  • Generate leads
  • Strengthen brand reputation
  • Build brand awareness
  • Engage with your target audience
  • Sell your product or service

LinkedIn marketing goals usually include brand awareness, lead generation, website visits, job application infills, engagement. Once you clear out your strategic goals, you will put the tactics and right objectives in place and make sure you stay on track.

Define your target audience

Your LinkedIn marketing strategy will be successful only if it focuses on understanding your audience. There is an analytics section on your page, so use the information to learn as much as possible about your page visitors and followers.

Use LinkedIn ads

Don’t forget about LinkedIn advertising. Use LinkedIn ads targeting function, industry or job title to ensure you will reach the people who matter to your business the most. You can use sponsored content, sponsored messaging, text-only advertising, and dynamic ad campaign.

Your employees and colleagues should take part too

This strategy is so logical and straightforward, yet many times we overlook it. Together with your colleagues, your employees are one of the best “tools” you can use on LinkedIn. They can not only follow up the page but also share and like the content too J

Mila Z

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