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June 11, 2024

Unveiling the Essence of Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving landscape, therefore understanding key metrics is paramount for success. One such metric that holds significant importance is Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR). Organic Click-Through Rate, commonly known as organic CTR, is a metric that measures the percentage of users who click on an organic search result compared to the total number

January 23, 2024

Why Do Ads Get Stuck in the Learning Phase and What to Do About It

In today’s fast-paced digital era, businesses often concentrate their marketing endeavors on online platforms like e-commerce websites and mobile apps. Nevertheless, many companies still derive a substantial portion of their revenue from offline sales in brick-and-mortar stores. To bridge the gap between online advertising and physical store sales, fine-tuning Google Ads for offline sales can

January 9, 2024

How to optimize Google Ads for Offline Sales

In today’s fast-paced digital era, businesses often concentrate their marketing endeavors on online platforms like e-commerce websites and mobile apps. Nevertheless, many companies still derive a substantial portion of their revenue from offline sales in brick-and-mortar stores. To bridge the gap between online advertising and physical store sales, fine-tuning Google Ads for offline sales can

December 21, 2023

What are the 7Cs of digital marketing

The 7Cs of digital marketing represent a framework that helps businesses and marketers plan and execute their digital marketing strategies effectively. These 7Cs cover various aspects of digital marketing and can be used as a guide for creating successful online campaigns. Here are the 7Cs of digital marketing: 1. Content: Content is at the core

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