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November 20, 2021

Best Ways to Use AI in Marketing

So far, you have probably heard of AI (Artificial intelligence). Although there is still a stigma around this term, the future has long since arrived, and marketing companies are already using it extensively.  Many companies like Amazon, Google, and Netflix have long used the benefits of AI technology. Google uses the well-known RankBrain algorithm, which

October 26, 2021

How does a sales funnel look in real life?

Marketers tend to talk about sales funnels a lot. You’ve probably either heard about one or tried to create it. If you’d spent 5 minutes on the internet you’ve already had a chance to see an illustration of a sales funnel. It looks like this. But what that exactly means and how can you use

October 19, 2021

When it’s time to stop hating TikTok and start using it?

Recent research has shown that people are not going to TikTok as they go to other social media platforms, people are WATCHING TikTok like they watch Netflix. What’s more, Netflix has officially checked TikTok as its competitor. That’s huge! Even though we are seeing a lot of hate around TikTok on other social media platforms,

October 10, 2021

Video marketing – how to maximize your reach

Video Marketing is one of the critical points of an online marketing strategy designed to take audience engagement to another level. In the past, a video message was just a static image that only served to inform or entertain a specific audience. In the meantime, technological advances have allowed the production of short videos that

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