Best Ways to Use AI in Marketing

Best Ways to Use AI in Marketing
November 20, 2021

Best Ways to Use AI in Marketing

So far, you have probably heard of AI (Artificial intelligence). Although there is still a stigma around this term, the future has long since arrived, and marketing companies are already using it extensively. 

Many companies like Amazon, Google, and Netflix have long used the benefits of AI technology. Google uses the well-known RankBrain algorithm, which ranks search results, an essential factor in SEO optimization.

Another example is Google Maps. This application uses data from multiple sources to predict the best way to get to your destination.

With AI, you can create better targeting campaigns; learn about the habits and behavior of potential customers, use marketing automation or chatbots.

AI and social networks

Artificial intelligence can help us optimizing online marketing campaigns and our digital strategy.

When creating a PPC campaign, you probably encountered the queries “Do you want to run this ad?“. All you need to do is to create the advertisement following the Facebook recommendations. This possibility fully represents an achievement in the field of artificial intelligence development.

We can see precise data about followers through the Facebook Insights tool – which posts they react to the most, where they come from, what they like, etc. It is a powerful tool we use to follow the audience while they interact with the Facebook page.

Google Analytics provides even more accurate data based on what the audience likes and does not need to be re-analyzed each time. 

How do AI and content marketing work together?

The algorithm generates the best possible content for the target audience based on previously collected data using artificial intelligence. Instead of A/B testing different content, the program answers the questions asked in a few seconds. 

This means a big time saver for analysts, and content marketing professionals can devote more time to the creative part of content marketing.

One of the best examples is Hubspot – this platform has already implemented machine learning as a tool for content marketing strategy. This tool helps marketers discover and test new ideas for online content.

Chatbots in digital marketing Serbia

AI Chatbots

Many marketing experts believe that chatbots are the best thing that has happened to digital marketing.

A chatbot provides communication between a machine (computer) and a user without human influence. They can be used as welcome messages on a website, event presentations, scheduling meetings, and improving support.

ChatBots provide users with a better user experience and thus improve online business.

What are ChatBots?

Many bots are already integrated into some online communication applications, such as instant messaging on Facebook. It is possible to talk to chatbots without realizing that you are talking to a computer program and not the real person. 

How can ChatBots help your business?

Chatbots play an essential part in instant messaging applications; they can play the role of an operator, i.e., inform users and understand particular needs, orders, etc.


In marketing, typical AI applications include uncovering new segments, orchestrating multi-channel campaigns, and optimizing message delivery.

AI is monitoring our daily behavior. It will help you deliver personalized messages to users at the right points in the consumer lifecycle.

AI learns from the collected data, making it one of the best tools used in digital marketing.

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