Have you heard of the 5Ts in email marketing? This is what you need to know

Have you heard of the 5Ts in email marketing? This is what you need to know
May 25, 2023

Have you heard of the 5Ts in email marketing? This is what you need to know

Email marketing is a highly efficient digital marketing strategy. It converts potential customers into buyers and turns one-time shoppers into repeat, satisfied fans.

Email marketing is the most direct way to connect with your leads and turn them into customers.

Have you heard of the 5Ts in email marketing so far? A powerful content strategy follows the “5 Ts” rule: Tease, Target, Teach, Test, and Track.

Let’s find out what each of these 5Ts means for your email marketing strategy.

Tease prospects in the email subject line

The subject line is your chance to tease prospects but avoid using a clickbait style. Compared to clickbait subject lines, clever teasers are a better long-term strategy.

You can do a few things and make the best out of it – shorten your subject line, ask open-ended questions and avoid spam words.

Target your audience with a personal message

Customers are more demanding than ever, so we need to make more personalized communication to get their trust.

Use all your knowledge about your audience and give them content they will respond to. When failing to send relevant emails, your audience unsubscribes from your email list.

The good idea is to target customers with tailored content based on their demographics and psychographics or one based on the stage of the customer lifecycle they are at.

Test various creatives

Do you go with one subject line thinking it would get you the best results? Why if you can test four? Testing your different email creatives takes longer, but it is worth every minute you spend.

Testing various types of images, buttons, headers, new product images, and other visuals will make the most of email campaigns in the long term.

Teach – give your audience what they are looking for


If we want to engage with our audience, we need to give them some value, sometimes to educate them or provide helpful information. Have you ever subscribed to a traveling newsletter? How do you feel about emails sharing great tips on traveling cheaper or safer?

Tips and tricks that can save us time and money are what people are bringing back again to your website or social media. Connecting with them via email should work the same way.


Track the performance of your emails

Have you checked on your email open rate? The open rate is a fundamental metric of how many subscribers have opened your email. 

Email open rate shows whether the email recipients are interested in the content.

If you want to know how many subscribers clicked on a link in your email, click-through rate (CTR) is the metric you should be tracking. The higher this number is, the more successful the campaign is.

Another essential metric to pay attention to is the unsubscribe rate, i.e., all those who no longer want to receive your emails and notifications. It is, on average, 0.1%, but if it is higher, it may indicate some communication problems.

Going carefully through all of the 5Ts in your email marketing efforts, you will get much information that will help you manage your creatives, change your subject lines, teach your subscribers things they want to learn, and in the end, measure the performance of your emails.

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